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1886年O.Roty 雕刻纪念,土耳其,北非土耳其,东欧阿尔及利亚铁路从阿尔及尔到君士坦丁堡铁路,章牌上的:两个女人象征阿尔及尔和康斯坦丁,互相拥抱、接吻。
Turkey, North Africa to Turkey, The Inauguration of the Eastern Algerian Railway from Algiers to Constantinople Railway, Bronze Medal, 1886, by Oscar Roty, the diaphonous personifications of Algiers and Constantinople embrace each other, views of their respective cities to either side, rev Abundance stands on a wheel, holding cornucopiæ, name of the railway, the dates of the laws under which it was constructed and the names of the officials and engineers.