奥维德·延塞斯(Ovide YENCESSE,1869-1947),法国雕塑家和章牌雕刻家,师从彭思卡尔莫(Ponscarme)、托马斯(Thomas)和勒维兰(Levillain)。曾于1900年巴黎世博会上获金奖,并于同年被授予法国荣誉军团骑士勋位。
著名艺术评论家罗歇·马克斯(Roger Marx)对“圣礼”有如下评论,这段话虽然只是针对这一件作品,但很大程度上也适用于延塞斯的其他作品:
"The distinctive qualities possessed by M. Yencesse", says M. Roger Marx, "are depth and tenderness. In all his work, including his portraits, he succeeds in touching us profoundly by the sober simplicity of his mise-en-scene, and by the elimination of mere details. He generalises the accidental, and converts, as it were, into a sort of symbol, all that passes around him. Everyone knows how many attempts have been made to represent the 'Premiere Communion'. That of M. Yencesse stood out among them all, so striking in the sincerity of feeling it reveals. The uncommon facture, too, adds to the general impressiveness of this remarkable work. The relief scarce rises from the body of the medal, and a sort of twilight haze envelops the whole work, as in the paintings of Eugene Carriere. Never was the close union existing between painting and glyptics more perfectly expressed. In this M. Yencesse proclaimed himself the chosen disciple of M. Ponscarme, the illustrious master and teacher, who by his work and his training has exercised a wonderful influence on the renaissance of French glyptic art."